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Rum , Rome and Royalism

I would much rather belong to a church five centuries behind the times and majestically indifferent to the fact than to a church five minutes behind the times, frantically running to catch up.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Reformed Catholic Post-Modernism?

Mr. David Fahrenthold posted this on the Reformed Catholicism Blog or, as I like to call it, the oxymoron blog. According to the good Mr. Fahrenthold, we shouldn't say that any text has a clear meaning because the idea that a text can have a clear meaning is a modernist notion that post modernism has thouroughly deconstructed.

My immediate thought, if the idea that a text can have a clear meaning is modernist, does that mean that pre-modern types like Aristotle, the fathers and the schoolastics never believed a text has a clear meaning.

Reformed Baptist apologist Eric Svendsen has a much beter reply to Mr. Fahrenthold's nonsense, here.