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Rum , Rome and Royalism

I would much rather belong to a church five centuries behind the times and majestically indifferent to the fact than to a church five minutes behind the times, frantically running to catch up.

Monday, March 07, 2005

St. Thomas, Pray For Us!!!

Today is, (at least Traditionally) the feat day of my hero, St. Thomas Aquinas, friar, theologian, philosopher and poet. St. Thomas lived in a world of great change, the introduction of Aristotelian philosophy into Europe, while a great blessing, had caused many people to raise questions about the degree to which the Catholic faith could be harmonised with reason. Also, this was a time when the Albergensian heresy, which claims the existence of two Gods, one good and one evil, was rampant.

It was into this breach that St. Thomas, who has been called the great warrior for truth, stepped. In his famous works, he showed clearly the rationality of beliefe in one God and the solid compatability of true faith and right reason. For all the differences between his time and ours, St. Thomas remains a figure of great relevance, if anything, our age, an age in which the teachings of the church are constanly under attack from inummerable sides, needs the solid defence of the faiththat St. Thomas can give us and the general sceptisim of modern philosophy, which denies any object truth or knowledge, needs to be counted with a solid Aristotelian/Thomist defence in the reality of the real.